实践引发理论创新: 转变经济增长方式扩展为转变经济发展方式的理性思考

Bingyan Li, 孙 然

Publikation: ArticleBegutachtung


At present, the extensive mode of economic growth leads to the excessive consumption of resource sand the worsening environment.This condition has threatened to the sustainable development of China' seconomy.It is the inevitable choice forsustainable development to change the mode of economic growth into the mode of economic development.Thetrans formation indicates the innovation of Chinese characteristic theory on economic development.
Titel in ÜbersetzungPractice Leading to the Innovation of Theory: the Reasonable Consideration of Changing the Mode of Economic Growth into the Mode of Economic Development
OriginalspracheChinese (Simplified)
Seiten (von - bis)21-26
PublikationsstatusPublished - 2009


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