Capitalist Crises and the Crisis This Time

Leo Panitch, Sam Gindin, 曹 佳 (Translator), 王 勇 (Translator), 崔 澍 (Translator)

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An article, entitled "Capitalist Crises and The Crisis This Time" written by Leo Panitch and Sam Gindi, Canadian well-known politicians, was printed in Socialist Register 2011. The article carries out a comparison between the capitalist crises occurring in the history and the crisis this time, and undertakes a profound analysis of changes of the outburst causes of the capitalist crises after the 20th century. In addition, it elaborates the outburst causes of the capitalist crises after the 20th century. In addition, it elaborates the outburst causes mainly from the following two aspects: a comparison in strength between capitalists and workers and the relations between the real economy and the finance capitalism as well. Furthermore, it makes an enlightening exploration on how the government should cope with the crises and the future of the capitalism.
Translated title of the contribution资本主义经济危机及此次经济危机
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)164-179
Number of pages16
JournalJournal of Economics of Shanghai School
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • Capitalism
  • Crises
  • Marxism
  • Finance
  • Government


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