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Neo-liberal restructuring did contribute to a certain kind of recovery of U. S. economy from recession and did foster an unusually long expansion, with low inflation despite historically low unemployment in the 1990s. However, the neo-liberal regime produced an economic expansion in the United States in the 1990s that was highly unstable, generated growing imbalances in the economy, and mainly benefited those at the top of the income pyramid, even more so than in the typical capitalist economic expansion. While every expansion in a capitalist economy eventually ends in recession, the character of the expansion of the 1990s planted seeds of particularly severe problems ahead.
Título traduzido da contribuição Neo-liberalism and the U. S. Economic Expansion of the ' 90s
Idioma originalChinese (Simplified)
Páginas (de-até)51-65
Número de páginas15
RevistaJournal of Economics of Shanghai School
Número de emissão3
Estado da publicaçãoPublished - 2004

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