
Resultado de pesquisa: Articlerevisão de pares


Marxist view of population is the scientific knowledge and proposition of Marxism on population. Its
basic content includes the scientific knowledge of Marxist classic writers on position and nature of
population, the relationship between material production and population production, the relationship
between population resource condition and the economic social development, population rules, and so on.
The new ideas, new viewpoints and new propositions generated by the combination of Marxist view of
population and the realities in China are the results of the sinicization of Marxist view of population.
Chinese population is approaching the limits that the land and resources can bear. The vigilance should be
raised to the hidden danger of ecological safety of the Chinese nation. Controlling the population is a
premise to solve the main contradiction of our society, a necessary condition to achieve scientific
development and national rejuvenation. We should strive to achieve zero population growth in the
medium-term of 21st century, to contract population to the appropriate scale in the 22nd century.
Título traduzido da contribuiçãoMarxist View of Population and Its Practical Significance
Idioma originalChinese (Simplified)
Páginas (de-até)42-48+159
Número de páginas8
Número de emissão09
Estado da publicaçãoPublished - 2009

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Mergulhe nos tópicos de investigação de “马克思主义人口观及其现实意义“. Em conjunto formam uma impressão digital única.

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