“浒关模式”: 以科学发展观统领社会主义新农村建设

Bingyan Li, 向 刚, 唐 思航

Результат исследований: Articleрецензирование


Report of the seventeenth national congress of the CPC further identified that balancing urban and rural development,building a new socialist countryside, resolvingtheissues concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers has an overall impact on building amoderately prosperous society in all respects, so we must always make it atoppriority in the work of the whole party.In recent years, Xushuguan county of Suzhou city formed a “XuguanModel” in helping the economic development by taking the scientific outlook of development into practice, combining its reform with the practical conditions, making innovations during explorations, and making summary during practice.Great achievements have been made in the county for its high level of promoting the new socialist countryside.The author introduce the new connotation and basic experience of “Xuguan Model” based on the iranalys is of the model on its main measures and causes of success and their comparison of mode lwith “Sunan Mode”.
Переведенное названиеBuilding New Socialist Countryside under the Guidance of the Scientific Outlook of Development: “Xuguan Model”
Язык оригиналаChinese (Simplified)
Страницы (с-по)133-139
Число страниц7
Номер выпуска03
СостояниеPublished - 2010


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