社会主义商品经济理论比较: 顾准与卓炯

Результат исследований: Articleрецензирование


This papermakes acontrastive study between the late famous economists GU Zhun and ZHUO Jiong, in terms of their socialist market economic theories.Relevant analys is points out their differences in view points and their scientific argumentations, with the intent to provide academic and theoretical contributions to the research of economy history and economy theories.
Переведенное названиеA Contrastive Study of Socialist Market Economy Theories: GuZhun vs ZhuoJiong
Язык оригиналаChinese (Simplified)
Страницы (с-по)1-8
Число страниц8
Номер выпуска03
СостояниеPublished - 2011


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